Denise Breinig-glunz, MSW, LCSW

Welcome to my practice!

My name is Denise Breinig-Glunz, and I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the South Metro area of Denver, CO.  My private psychotherapy practice focuses on the emotional, social, and mental health of my clients throughout the lifecycle.

I provide the following services:

    • Individual Therapy
    • Family Therapy
    • Discernment Counseling
    • Parent Education
    • SPACE – Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions
    • CBT – I (for chronic insomnia)
    • Play Therapy
    • Divorce Support
    • School Interventions
    • Parenting Plan Mediation
    • Parenting Plan Consultation
    • Consultation and Supervision

The majority of my referrals are word-of-mouth from past clients or other mental health professionals.  I have been in private practice for over twenty years and truly love what I do.   I look forward to helping you and your family reach their full potential.